Vegetable Insect Management, Meister Publishing Company, Willoughby, Ohio. As with all pesticides, follow the label instructions carefully with regards to rates and precautions.įor treatment recommendations in commercial fields or greenhouses, see the current Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations (VCE Publication 456-420) for products labeled against caterpillars. Treat with a registered insecticide effective against caterpillars when insects appear in damaging numbers repeat as needed. Bt is more effective in controlling small caterpillars instead of those that are nearly full-grown and not eating as much. The first application should drive the larvae from their webs and shelters, and the second application should kill them.īt ( Bacillus thuringiensis) labeled for caterpillars can also be used following the label rates. In celery, make two applications of pyrethrin dust one hour apart. Pyrethrin spray or dust can be used, but must be applied when caterpillars are young and before substantial webbing has been produced. If there are 2 or more larvae per 100 plants at more than 4 weeks before harvest, chemical treatment is warranted. Each week, inspect 20 plants in each spot for celery leaftier larvae. Thresholdsįor celery plantings, select five different sites within the planting. Harvest early and plow under all crop refuse to destroy any remaining pests. Destroy weeds in and around the garden that may shelter larvae and resting adults. Cultural ControlĬlip off webbed leaves on host plants and crush or otherwise destroy the caterpillars or pupae within them. Larvae may feed within the canopy and damage may not be apparent from the outer periphery. Larvae tie the leaves together with silk to make feeding and pupation shelters. Damaged plants have a brown or silvery look as the remaining leaf tissue dries out. DamageĬelery leaftier larvae skeletonize the leaves of their host plants and also feed on the stalks. DistributionĬelery leaftier can be found throughout the eastern half of the United States.

Numerous weedy wild host plants support celery leaftier, including goldenrod, clover, pigweed, and thistle. It damages greenhouse plants and ornamental flowers such as chrysanthemum, asters, petunia, begonia, coleus, and carnations. Common Host PlantsĬelery leaftier feeds on a wide host range and has been reported from beets, celery, cabbage, and leafy greens such as lettuce and spinach. the caterpillar stage, as the insects feed on leaves and defoliate trees and bushes. Larval celery leaftier (Tom Kropiewnicki, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). On fruit, infections are initially small, black, and circular.